Chris Wright preaching resource blesses Ethiopian Church

Eritrean refugees were among 50 preachers blessed with a translated copy of Chris Wright’s award-winning Langham book ‘Sweeter than Honey’ earlier this month. The resource is an essential guide for correctly handling the Old Testament. It was given to attendees of a Level 3 Langham Preaching seminar in Shire, Northern Ethiopia. ‘So happy’ The movement…


Langham impacts church plants in Typhoon-hit Philippines

In 2013 Typhoon Yolanda devastated the islands of Samar and Leyte in the Visayas region of the Philippines, killing 6,000 people, leaving many homeless and destroying the local economy. In response, the Christian community invested heavily in providing relief and development work. Six years later, many churches have been planted amongst the people in these…


Transformed: communist atheist to preacher and evangelist

Slavko Hadžić became a Christian during war in former Yugoslavia in the early 90s, having grown up as a communist atheist. He is now Langham Preaching’s coordinator for West Balkans & North Adriatic and lives in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Slavko shared how God changed his life at LPUKI’s Vision Day in February: He said: “In 1992,…


Let’s get really radical

This is a recent blog post from Langham Preaching Director Paul Windsor. The generation that came after me tends to impress me more than the babyboomer one that went before me. Speaking very generally, and yet observing it repeatedly, their hearts seem to be turned towards the world more radically. For me it started when we hosted…


From poverty to preaching in Indonesia

Dr Dwi Maria Handayani is the Associate Director for Langham Preaching in Asia. It was through being a World Vision sponsored child in a poor Indonesian village that she grew in her faith. Her parents were the first generation in the whole family to be Christians. Dwi is a graduated Langham Scholar, gaining her PhD…


Une "étape importante" pour Langham Preaching en Éthiopie

Éthiopie Le mois dernier, un groupe diversifié de formateurs Langham Preaching venus de toute l'Europe s'est réuni dans un centre de retraite sur le site Lake Babogaya pour recevoir une formation. Jennifer Cuthbertson Langham Preaching, coordinatrice de la formation des formateurs, a co-animé l'atelier. Elle a utilisé des techniques centrées sur l'apprenant pour enseigner aux participants comment animer des séminaires Langham Preaching . Jennifer a décrit les participants du site 14 , parmi lesquels...


Prions pour Langham Preaching dans le Pacifique Sud

Lorsque vous entendez "Fiji", votre première pensée peut être une destination touristique avec des plages magnifiques et un soleil constant. Mais le mois dernier, il était hors de question de prendre un bain de soleil pour plus de 50 personnes qui ont participé à la formation Langham Preaching. Les ministres à la retraite Stephen Williams et Revd Andy Shudall faisaient partie des formateurs qui ont guidé un groupe...


Equipping generations to preach faithfully in Botswana

Three members of the same family, along with a 74-year-old great grandmother, have completed all three levels of Langham Preaching training in Botswana. At the end of the week-long event in August this year, 15 people in total ‘graduated’ from the course. They are the first people in Botswana to have completed the three levels,…


Pray for Langham friends in Indonesia

Over the weekend a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Indonesia, killing at least 1,200 people. Langham Partnership has close links with Indonesia: we have twelve Langham Scholars from there; Langham Literature works with Christians in Indonesia to publish books in Indonesian; and there is a thriving Langham Preaching movement. We recently received this report from Hamdani…


The Privilege of Preaching in Ethiopia

In his nearly 10 years as youth pastor at Mekanisa Kale Heywet Church, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Pastor Misgana has seen a thing or two about the power of God’s Word to transform. When he first started working with the youth, their knowledge of the Bible was not strong. So, he started a Bible a…