Engaging Christians in their context in an accessible way

Jangkholam Haokip

Editor and author Jangkholam Haokip describes his involvement with Langham Literature as “truly providential.” As he was trying to get his work published for the first time, Jangkholam felt out of depth about the process and the expectation of publishers, but Langham Literature made publication possible for him.  Jangkholam shares, “I had a feeling that…


Introducing Rev Dr Hani Hanna as the new Langham Literature Director

Langham Partnership is delighted to announce the appointment of Rev. Dr Hani Hanna as the International Program Director for Langham Literature. Hani joins us from his position as President of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC), bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in modern theology.  As a Langham Scholar himself, Dr…


Commentary for Central and Eastern Europe Launched After Many Hurdles

After several years of hard work, tragic loss, many prayers, and new and unlikely friendships, the Langham-supported Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary (CEEBC) was finally launched in March. Many of the commentary authors attended the special launch service in Prague, alongside various denominational leaders and Langham representatives: Ministries Director & Global Ambassador Chris Wright;…


‘A dream come true for the region’

Draft front cover for the Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary

Since 2005, Langham has spearheaded multiple groundbreaking one-volume bible commentary projects. It started with commentaries for Africa (which is being revised and has had many translations), South Asia, Latin America, the Middle East. Why? Because unlike churches in the West, believers in the Majority World have very few resources written by people in their regions,…


Un livre inspiré par Stott remporte un prix prestigieux

Un livre Langham Publishing , qui poursuit l'héritage de John Stotten matière de discipulat radical, a remporté un prix prestigieux aux États-Unis. Living Radical Discipleship" est un recueil d'essais rédigés par Chris Wright (notre directeur des ministères & Global Ambassador) et d'autres personnes. Christianity Today lui a décerné le "Prix du livre de l'année" dans la catégorie "Christian Living...


Suivre Jésus dans la culture thaïlandaise

Dans le monde entier, Langham identifie les principaux éditeurs chrétiens qui ont un impact sur la culture. Sur Thaïlande, Kanok Bannasan est l'un de ces partenaires clés. Regardez cette vidéo sur le soutien apporté par Langhamà Kanok Bannasan. Mais pourquoi Kanok Bannasan est-il si important ? Les chrétiens thaïlandais, qui représentent à peine 1% de la population de Thaïlande, sont confrontés à une réalité quotidienne d'isolement...


Langham Scholar and Preaching pioneer mourned

Corneliu Constantineanu, a Langham Scholar and General Editor of the Central Eastern European Bible Commentary, died in Romania from Covid-19 on 17 mars 2021. He was latterly Professor of Public Theology at the University of Arad, Romania. Please pray for Corneliu’s wife Ioana and their daughters, Carmen and Anamaria. A draft version of the front…


Sans la subvention de Langham Writers, cela aurait été impossible !

Une bourse Langham a permis au mari d'une des participantes au projet Langham Scholar de publier un livre qui remet en question les fausses conceptions du Christ au sein de l'Église éthiopienne. Paulos Fekadu - mariée à Sofanit Abebe qui étudie à l'université d'Édimbourg - a reçu une bourse Langham Writers' Grant il y a deux ans pour terminer le livre en amharique. Le


Serving the “Prince of Peace”

Rula Mansour has a vision for peace.  From a young age she grew up in a mixed community with both Palestinian and Israeli-Jewish friends and neighbours.  It was when she went to university that she realised she felt called to a work of reconciliation. Move forward a few years and Rula can now be found…