Pray for Langham’s long-term fruitful impact in Austria

Langham Preaching’s ministry in places like Austria and other countries in Europe can be discouraging as event attendance tends to be very low. But Mark Meynell, Langham Preaching Director (Europe and Caribbean), has pointed out that “depth in ministry is more important than size”. He added: “Far better to have biblical convictions and faithful practices…


Langham trains 14-yr-old ‘future church leader’ in Lesotho

Langham’s main aim is to equip the next generation of Bible teachers. In Lesotho – a landlocked country in southern Africa – a teenager has been identified as “one to watch”, with huge potential for church leadership. 14-year-old Lipallo was one of a few young people who attended a Level 1 Langham Preaching training event…


Pray for West Africa coordinator Roland Tamini

I grew up in a non-practicing Catholic family. I had a relatively happy childhood until a crisis occurred between my parents. They eventually separated, and I was deeply affected. I was so angry and bitter against my parents that I became a rebellious teenager. When I got to high school, one of my classmates started…


‘Thrilling time’ training preachers in Georgia

Last month Mark Meynell, Preaching Director for Europe and Caribbean, trained 30 preachers in Georgia during his first ever visit to the country. Mark writes: “Georgia is the second ex-Soviet country that I am now working in, and it is interesting to discern how much overlap there is with Ukraine. “One thing that struck me forcibly is…


Liberated from occult influences in Central Asia

Tina* is a Langham Preaching facilitator from a country in Central Asia. She has shared her fascinating life story for a ‘Preaching Postcard’: How did Jesus find you? I grew up in an atheist society where we were taught that there was no God. Even though I was an atheist, my mother would always say…


Transformed: communist atheist to preacher and evangelist

Slavko Hadžić became a Christian during war in former Yugoslavia in the early 90s, having grown up as a communist atheist. He is now Langham Preaching’s coordinator for West Balkans & North Adriatic and lives in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Slavko shared how God changed his life at LPUKI’s Vision Day in February: He said: “In 1992,…


Prions pour Langham Preaching dans le Pacifique Sud

Lorsque vous entendez "Fiji", votre première pensée peut être une destination touristique avec des plages magnifiques et un soleil constant. Mais le mois dernier, il était hors de question de prendre un bain de soleil pour plus de 50 personnes qui ont participé à la formation Langham Preaching. Les ministres à la retraite Stephen Williams et Revd Andy Shudall faisaient partie des formateurs qui ont guidé un groupe...


Préparer les générations à prêcher fidèlement dans Botswana

Trois membres d'une même famille, ainsi qu'une arrière-grand-mère de 74ans, ont suivi les trois niveaux de formation de Langham Preaching à Botswana. Cette année, à l'issue de la semaine de formation organisée à l'adresse Août , 15 personnes au total ont été "diplômées". Ils sont les premiers sur le site Botswana à avoir franchi les trois niveaux,...


Le privilège de la prédication en Éthiopie

Au cours de ses presque 10 années en tant que pasteur des jeunes à Mekanisa Kale Heywet Church, à Addis-Abeba, à Éthiopie, à Pastor Misgana , il a vu une chose ou deux sur le pouvoir de God’s Word pour transformer. Lorsqu'il a commencé à travailler avec les jeunes, leur connaissance de la Bible n'était pas très développée. C'est ainsi qu'il a créé une...