Venir chaque jour aux pieds de Jésus" dans Albanie

Meet Zefjan Nikolla, Langham Preaching’s coordinator for Albania! In this interview for a Langham Preaching Postcard, Zefjan shares his testimony and his need to be served by Jesus.

Comment Jésus vous a-t-il trouvé ?

I was a freshman at Tirana University when I met three IFES missionaries who started the student ministry in 1991. After attending several Bible study meetings, God opened my eyes to see my need for a savior and that Jesus was the Lord and Savior I needed.

Zefjan Nikolla is Langham Preaching’s coordinator for Albania.

Reading and studying the Bible helped me find the answers to the deepest existential questions I had regarding the purpose and meaning of life, the origins of the world and my place in it.

À quoi ressemble le service de Jésus pour vous cette semaine ?

Serving Jesus first of all means coming daily to his feet to be served by him. Only then can I follow him in serving people around me.

The main areas of ministry God has called me to are teaching and preaching in the context of the local church, overseeing and training the student ministry of IFES in Albania, and developing leaders and ministry partnerships with other servants of Christ.

Qu'est-ce qui vous plaît dans le fait de travailler avec Langham Preaching?

What I enjoy most about working with Langham Preaching is the opportunity to help young preachers correctly interpret and effectively communicate the Word of God. I also love the networking opportunities with preachers from Albania and the region.

Share a resource that has helped you in your preaching (other than Langham!)

A resource that has helped me in preaching is The Scripture Sculpture – A Seven Step Method for Preparing Expository Sermons by Dr. Ramesh Richard.

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