9 ways to pray for Latin America

Old Havana

Igor Amestegui, the Langham Preaching Director for Latin America, shared prayer points during a recent Langham Live prayer meeting for UKI supporters (on Zoom). Join him in bringing the following concerns to the Lord: Latin America the continent The effects of the pandemic on the continent have been devastating: deaths; unemployment; increased poverty; anguish and…

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Author Spotlight – Yohanna Katanacho

Yohanna Katanacho

Langham Scholar, author and editor Yohanna Katanacho gives some background to his journey of faith and the story behind Praying Through the Psalms: I was born in Jerusalem, in June 1967, during the Arab–Israeli war known as the “Six-Day War”. My father risked his life to bring us home and despite the bomb that exploded next…

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A Scholar’s response to terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso

Langham Scholar Yacouba Sanon, who is from Burkina Faso in West Africa, reacts to recent events in his home country. 1) What has happened in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso recently? Three weeks ago, on March 2 2018, the headquarters of the Burkina Faso army staff and the French Embassy were attacked. Seven people were killed and more…

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God opens doors for Langham Preaching in the South Pacific

“What took you so long?” It was my first trip to Fiji two years ago and the question came from a Christian student leader. ‘Forget that,’ I said, ‘I’m here now. Are you interested in Langham training?’ They were — and this January we ran the first seminar at the Coral Coast Christian Campsite outside Suva”, explained Stephen…

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