Posts Tagged ‘Papua New Guinea’
Eventful week: Paul Windsor encouraged by Langham Preaching’s 10 yrs in Papua New Guinea
By Langham Preaching Director Paul WindsorLast month, Langham Preaching Director Paul Windsor spent a week in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to help lead a training event. The last time Paul was in PNG was for the first Langham Preaching seminar there, ten years ago. Read about how encouraged he was by the calibre and engagement…
Read MoreScholar brings biblical truth to Papua New Guinea
“Instead of allowing our beliefs to influence scripture, we need to allow scripture to influence our beliefs,” emphasises Langham Scholar George Mombi, from Papua New Guinea (PNG). George has been working on his PhD since 2015 at Otago University, New Zealand. He’s recently returned to PNG to continue teaching at the Christian Leaders’ Training College.…
Read MoreGod opens doors for Langham Preaching in the South Pacific
“What took you so long?” It was my first trip to Fiji two years ago and the question came from a Christian student leader. ‘Forget that,’ I said, ‘I’m here now. Are you interested in Langham training?’ They were — and this January we ran the first seminar at the Coral Coast Christian Campsite outside Suva”, explained Stephen…
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