Une période palpitante" pour Langham Preaching en Turquie

Langham Preaching en Turquie

Turquie est un pays magnifique, situé à la fois en Asie et en Europe, et dont la culture s'inspire de l'Orient et de l'Occident.  Les croyants y sont très minoritaires et font face à de nombreux défis. Les statistiques révèlent que seuls 0.04 pour cent de la population sont des chrétiens bibliques (source : ufm.org.uk). Mais Langham Preaching a eu un impact positif...


Un privilège de former des étudiants ukrainiens dispersés par la guerre

Ukraine formation à la prédication

Au fil des semaines, la guerre sur le site Ukraine occupe une place de moins en moins importante dans l'actualité britannique. Mais l'horreur et le traumatisme se poursuivent, et les étudiants de Christian sont désespérés de devoir s'emparer de la parole de Dieu en dépit de ce qui se passe.  Mark Meynell Langham Preaching, coordinateur pour l'Europe et les Caraïbes, a formé des étudiants dispersés en raison de...


‘My constant prayer is that this madness would stop’

Langham has a strong network of Scholars, writers and pastors in Ukraine. We’re urging supporters to pray earnestly for our family there who have remained or have escaped the country. Mark Meynell, a Langham Preaching Director, sat in for Chris Wright in a special episode of ‘On Mission’, a podcast produced by Langham US.  He…


Building Relationships

Our four Preaching Directors, leading teams across the various continents, share what has been happening through this time of pandemic. From Africa, with Femi Adeleye, as Director: “Every Monday, our Leadership Team meets on Zoom in order to support each other and to build our relationships. These have been times of refreshment. In recent weeks…


Relaunch in Jamaica

Mark Meynell, (Langham Preaching Director for Europe and Caribbean) recently spent a weekend in Kingston, Jamaica, along with Annett Brown, Preaching Co-ordinator. Jamaica was one of the very first countries to invite the embryonic Langham Preaching to work, way back in 2002.  John Stott himself visited with Chris Wright and then the work became quite…


Pray for Langham’s long-term fruitful impact in Austria

Langham Preaching’s ministry in places like Austria and other countries in Europe can be discouraging as event attendance tends to be very low. But Mark Meynell, Langham Preaching Director (Europe and Caribbean), has pointed out that “depth in ministry is more important than size”. He added: “Far better to have biblical convictions and faithful practices…


‘Thrilling time’ training preachers in Georgia

Last month Mark Meynell, Preaching Director for Europe and Caribbean, trained 30 preachers in Georgia during his first ever visit to the country. Mark writes: “Georgia is the second ex-Soviet country that I am now working in, and it is interesting to discern how much overlap there is with Ukraine. “One thing that struck me forcibly is…


Langham Preaching established and raring to go in Hungary

Sometimes the best things take a long time to happen – that’s the case with Langham Preaching in Hungary. After a slow process over eleven years, a movement there is now well established and “raring to go”. A Level 2 preaching training seminar took place in March, which according to Mark Meynell, Preaching Director (Europe…