Society for the Study of Theology – Engaging New Audiences

Langham Publishing Table at Society for the Study of Theology

This month, Langham Publishing had the privilege of attending the annual conference of the Society for the Study of Theology. The Society exists to promote excellence in the study of Christian Theology by facilitating and shaping theological thought, conversation and community and is for anyone with graduate-level interest in theology. The conference attracts a broad…


Hausa edition of Africa Bible Commentary published

The Hausa translation of the hugely influential Africa Bible Commentary has finally been published, over seven years after work began on the project.  This Hausa version is called ‘Sharhin Littafi Mai Tsarki Don Afirka’, and is over 200 pages longer than the original English. The commentary has been published by Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) in Nigeria.…


Profound thanks expressed for Langham Library Grants

Every year, Langham Literature provides thousands of books free of charge to Bible Colleges around the world. We recently heard from students who were extremely grateful for Langham’s Library Grant programme. In December, we heard that several leaders in Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi had expressed their “delight and appreciation” at having received their Langham books.…


Finding God’s grace when you lose everything…

Taras N. Dyatlik, project manager of Langham Literature’s Slavic Bible Commentary (SBC), shares how the recent war in Ukraine impacted this resource. Writers on both sides of the conflict had to work together. They showed how the Bible speaks to people who have lost family, property, businesses. Taras says the commentary is a “monument to…


Développement de l'édition - Soutenir l'église Majority World

Au début de l'année février 2019 , trois membres de l'équipe de Langham Literature se sont rendus à Égypte pour travailler avec Dar El Thaqafa, la maison d'édition de CEOSS (Coptic Evangelical Organisation for Social Services). Dar El Thaqafa est le distributeur de l'ouvrage récemment publié Arabic Contemporary Commentary et a également publié plusieurs autres titres de Langham Publishing en...


Bountiful harvest from a Langham writers’ workshop

It can take many years to see fruit from writers’ workshops. They bring together a small group of Christian leaders who want to write books for their own communities. The workshops provide time to write and reflect on the universal principles that writers need to bear in mind as they shape a book. The writers…


Coup de projecteur sur l'auteur - Imad Shehadeh

Imad Shehadeh est l'auteur du titre Langham Global Library "Dieu avec nous et sans nous", volume 1′. Palestinian Christian Il est titulaire d'un doctorat de Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA. Après avoir terminé ses études à Dallas, il est retourné en Jordanie où il a fondé le site Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary à 1991, où le Dr Shehadeh est...


Arabic Contemporary Commentary Launched

“To us, this means Life.” As Herod plotted to destroy the newborn King of the Jews by killing baby boys born in Bethlehem, Joseph, his wife Mary, and the infant Jesus found safety as refugees, in Egypt. Egyptian Christians still celebrate the flight into Egypt today, and the Coptic tradition holds that the gospel was…


Lancement d'un commentaire en arabe qui fera date Le Caire

Une étape importante a été franchie le mois dernier avec le lancement de l'Arabic Contemporary Commentary (ACC) à l'adresse Le Caire. Ce commentaire en un seul volume de toute la Bible est un projet de Langham Literature, qui a débuté il y a plus de dix ans. Il s'agit du premier ouvrage de ce type : un commentaire sur l'ensemble de la Bible, rédigé par 48 théologiens arabes, pour des...