Langham Scholar and Preaching pioneer mourned

Corneliu Constantineanu, a Langham Scholar and General Editor of the Central Eastern European Bible Commentary, died in Romania from Covid-19 on 17 mars 2021. He was latterly Professor of Public Theology at the University of Arad, Romania. Please pray for Corneliu’s wife Ioana and their daughters, Carmen and Anamaria. A draft version of the front…


Bountiful harvest from a Langham writers’ workshop

It can take many years to see fruit from writers’ workshops. They bring together a small group of Christian leaders who want to write books for their own communities. The workshops provide time to write and reflect on the universal principles that writers need to bear in mind as they shape a book. The writers…


Profil du personnel - Dahlia Fraser

Dahlia Fraser

Pendant son enfance à Jamaïque, la lecture était le passe-temps favori de Dahlia Fraser. Tôt le matin et après l'école, on la trouve souvent cachée quelque part avec un livre. Sa mère étant enseignante et son père pasteur, les livres étaient facilement accessibles et elle a dévoré toute la littérature enfantine habituelle. Chez elle, le dimanche...