Une histoire de croissance en Amérique latine

Latin America Langham Preaching

Last year in 15 countries across Latin America, over 3,000 people were trained through the Langham Preaching programme. Read on to see a glimpse of what this ministry looks like on the ground: In Latin America, before pastors attend training seminars, they are plugged into Langham Preaching Clubs (called “escuelitas” or “little schools”), where groups…


Latin American commentary reaches indigenous Argentinians

Despite the devastation of Covid-19, the one-volume Bible commentary for Latin America has made it into the hands of Wichi indigenous people in Argentina. A courier service delivered two copies of the Latin American Bible Commentary (LABC) to David Stokes in north-western Argentina in July. He is responsible for formally training indigenous pastors. The LABCs…


Langham Preaching célèbre 15 ans en Argentine

Environ 100 personnes se sont réunies à Córdoba, Argentine à Avril, pour un moment "enrichissant" célébrant 15 ans de Langham Preaching dans le pays. L'ancien président Langham Preaching Director Jonathan Lamb et son épouse Margaret étaient les invités spéciaux de l'événement, qui était dirigé par Igor Améstegui (directeur, Amérique latine) et Wilfredo Weigandt (coordinateur national). Theologian René Padilla s'est jointe aux célébrations...