Tackling illiteracy to bring the Gospel to Kenya

Mercy Ireri, Kenya

“You’re 12, you’re old enough to share your testimony of salvation” – my father said to me out of the blue one Saturday evening, to my astonishment, as I had little personal faith at the time. After that conversation, I realised that if I was going to take faith seriously and talk to people about…

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God at Work Through Langham Preaching in Africa

Group work at All Africa Preaching Consultation

Langham Preaching is a programme of the Langham Partnership that exists to develop godly and biblical preachers across the world in an affordable and accessible way. In October 2022 the second All Africa Langham Preaching Consultation was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with 72 attendees from 26 Preaching Movements across the continent. Each Preaching Movement…

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Helping to heal a nation: Langham Preaching in South Africa

Siphiwe Pandeka

How does the Word of God impact nations? Why does every church need a pastor who ‘correctly handles the word of truth’? What difference does it really make?  Let’s travel to South Africa and listen to pastors there, who say that faithful Bible teaching is what their country needs to heal and recover.  South Africa…

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Providing crucial care to volcano survivors in DR Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing significant challenges: famine, war, Covid-19. And last year a volcano erupted near Goma city, displacing hundreds and leaving many destitute and traumatised – including Christian leaders.  Dr Eraston Kighoma, who gained his PhD through Langham, played a key role in the relief effort. His organisation CIMR (Centre for…

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Celebrating Langham Preaching across Africa

The third annual ‘Langham Preaching Sunday in Africa’ took place on Zoom at the end of June, with nearly 200 people from across the continent attending. The event (in English and French) highlighted John Stott’s centenary and gave updates about Langham Preaching’s impact in Africa. Femi Adeleye, Director for Langham Preaching Africa, outlined aspects that…

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Transformational training for 87 pastors in Ghana

“This training will impact my life and ministry”… “The group work opened my eyes”… “My sermons will be properly prepared”… ��I have been transformed by this training”. These are just some of the extremely positive comments made by those who attended in-person preaching training in Accra, Ghana last month. Langham partnered with ‘Global Evangelical Church’…

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New solar-powered tech brings training to rural Zimbabwe

Langham Preaching is partnering with Harare Theological College to provide an innovative solution to costly or non-existent internet connections in Zimbabwe. Even before the Covid pandemic struck, the Langham Preaching team were exploring ways to reach rural communities where electricity supply and connectivity is poor. John Bell, Zimbabwe’s movement coordinator, explained how the new technology…

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Introducing Barbara Tumwine

Barbara Tumwine, together with her husband, Paul, are the preaching movement coordinators in Uganda. How did Jesus find you? Jesus found me in 1994, while I was participating in a Scripture Union conference which was taking place at the secondary school I attended. Accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour was something I had considered during the…

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Building Relationships

Our four Preaching Directors, leading teams across the various continents, share what has been happening through this time of pandemic. From Africa, with Femi Adeleye, as Director: “Every Monday, our Leadership Team meets on Zoom in order to support each other and to build our relationships. These have been times of refreshment. In recent weeks…

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