Pleins feux sur le personnel : Mercy Ireri

Meet Langham Preaching‘s East Africa coordinator Mercy Ireri, from Kenya.

Comment Jésus vous a-t-il trouvé ?

“Mercy, you are old enough now to tell us your testimony,” Dad said to me one Saturday evening. I was 12 years of age. I stared at him, blankly. Deep within my heart, I knew I had never had a salvation experience. At that moment I realised that if I was to have such an experience, it had to begin with getting to know Jesus. I reasoned that for this to happen I would need to start reading my Bible. I enrolled for a Bible correspondence course. Two years later, I surrendered my life to Jesus fully.

Pitié Ireri

Mercy Ireri, from Kenya, speaking at the All Africa Consultation in Ghana last year.

À quoi ressemble le service de Jésus pour vous cette semaine ?

My weeks do not usually have any routine. I enjoy the variety that each week brings. When not travelling for Langham Preaching events, I am at my desk doing administration, generated mainly by emails or preparation for an upcoming seminar. In the midst of all of this, especially on Saturdays, I bake cakes to share with friends who pop in during the weekend. Baking is one of my favourite hobbies. At the end of each week, I attend a Bible Study that meets in my neighbourhood.

Qu'est-ce qui vous plaît dans le fait de travailler avec Langham Preaching?

Firstly, it is the people. When I think of the kind of people that I interact with at all the levels of Langham Preaching’s leadership and then when I facilitate the seminars, I cannot help but think, “What an awesome privilege to serve with, and alongside, such people.” Secondly, it gives me an opportunity to serve with my spiritual gifts. I always thought that it was just natural for me to enjoy teaching and organising events – and then a friend, who participated in a seminar, pointed out to me, ‘’Mercy, do you realise that you have the spiritual gift of administration?’’

Share a resource that has helped you in your preaching (other than Langham!)

It is not a single resource, but more of a full course. It is on the faithful handling of the Bible and organised by The Philip Project, a ministry of Friends International in the UK. I went through this course and it not only helped me through the many preaching practice sessions, it has also proved to be a stepping stone into my work with Langham Preaching.

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