Introducing Barbara Tumwine

Barbara Tumwine, together with her husband, Paul, are the preaching movement coordinators in Uganda.

How did Jesus find you? 

Jesus found me in 1994, while I was participating in a Scripture Union conference which was taking place at the secondary school I attended. Accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour was something I had considered during the previous school holiday and so during this conference the conviction was more real and I made a public confession.

What does serving Jesus look like for you this week?

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed my routines so much. However, in a given week, I may be studying to teach/train online or in-person. I may be calling a preaching club coordinator to find out how they are doing and to encourage them. I may be doing some administrative work for Langham Preaching Uganda. I may be calling people whom I think might be interested in partnering with Langham Preaching … and running our home to ensure the chores are done.

 What do you enjoy about working with Langham Preaching?

I enjoy working with different individuals in the Langham Preaching family. I think it is a great team of Christ’s servants. I am passionate about the Bible and so I generally enjoy all aspects of my work, study, and preparing lessons for training.

Share a resource that has helped you in your preaching (other than Langham!)

I have been helped by books mainly from Langham Literature. The first book, which was for a long time my favourite on preaching, was Greg Scharf’s Prepared to Preach, but along the way there have been many that have continued to help me improve my Bible handling skills.

This interview featured in the février 2021 Preaching Postcard email.

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