Langham Canada Spring 2019 newsletter

Langham Canada Spring 2019 newsletter

Newsletter: Spring In this issue: Canada’s Langham Scholar Dr David Tarus appointed ED of ACTEA Are Scholars Good Long-term Investments? Can you host a Langham evening? Langham Preaching unpacked How your legacy can build Langham’s legacy Read online


Publication de l'édition Hausa de Africa Bible Commentary

The Hausa translation of the hugely influential Africa Bible Commentary has finally been published, over seven years after work began on the project.  This Hausa version is called ‘Sharhin Littafi Mai Tsarki Don Afirka’, and is over 200 pages longer than the original English. The commentary has been published by Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) in Nigeria.…


Soyons vraiment radicaux

Il s'agit d'un récent article de blog de Langham Preaching Director Paul Windsor. La génération qui m'a suivi a tendance à m'impressionner davantage que la génération des baby-boomers qui m'a précédé. D'une manière générale, en parlant de , mais en l'observant de manière répétée, leurs cœurs semblent se tourner vers le monde de manière plus radicale. Pour moi, cela a commencé lorsque nous avons accueilli...


Équipés pour multiplier les disciples en Amérique latine

Langham is grateful for your generous partnership—and we celebrate the ways God is using your gifts and prayers to draw His people toward Jesus around the world! Together, and by His grace, we are seeing transformational leaders like Juan José Barreda Toscano equipped with a PhD and now multiplying disciples in their nations.    Juan…