Scholar multiplies ministers of hope in Brazil

What is the impact of just one leader in Brazil gaining a PhD through your support of Langham? You may be surprised by the answer! In the late 80s, Antonio Barro studied for a PhD at Fuller Theological Seminary as a Langham Scholar.  During this time, he conceived the idea of a seminary in Brazil that would…


Celebrating Langham Preaching across Africa

The third annual ‘Langham Preaching Sunday in Africa’ took place on Zoom at the end of June, with nearly 200 people from across the continent attending. The event (in English and French) highlighted John Stott’s centenary and gave updates about Langham Preaching’s impact in Africa. Femi Adeleye, Director for Langham Preaching Africa, outlined aspects that…


Formation transformationnelle pour les pasteurs 87 en Ghana

"Cette formation aura un impact sur ma vie et mon ministère"... "Le travail en groupe m'a ouvert les yeux"... "Mes sermons seront bien préparés"... "J'ai été transformé par cette formation". Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des commentaires extrêmement positifs formulés par ceux qui ont participé à la formation à la prédication en personne à Accra, Ghana le mois dernier. Langham en partenariat avec ‘Global Evangelical Church'...


Votre généreuse subvention à la bibliothèque permet aux étudiants de transformer notre société.

Une université chrétienne située à Ouganda se dit "très honorée" d'avoir reçu plus de 100 livres de théologie dans le cadre du programme "Large Library Grant" de Langham Literature. Cette année, Langham a envoyé gratuitement des livres 113 à Africa Renewal University (ARU) pour sa bibliothèque récemment rénovée. Un membre du personnel de l'ARU a déclaré : "C'est avec une grande joie que nous vous annonçons que...


S'engager pour former d'autres personnes dans le Pacifique Sud

"Au début, lorsque Covid-19 a frappé, j'ai pensé que cela signifiait la suspension de la prédication de Langham dans le Pacifique Sud", écrit Stephen Williams, Langham Preaching‘s Regional Coordinator pour le Pacifique Sud. "Dans un sens, j'avais raison : toutes les formations ont été annulées, une réunion de 'line-up' à Tonga a été reportée et, à Australie, la deuxième formation des prédicateurs aborigènes a été interrompue. ça *


First Japanese Langham Scholar returns to preach and teach

In October the first Langham Scholar from Japan, Kei Hiramatsu, graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary, US. Kei and his young family have now returned to Japan, where Kei is teaching at Central Bible College in Tokyo. He’s also pastoring a local church. Although a developed, wealthy country, Japan has very few Christians and even fewer…


New solar-powered tech brings training to rural Zimbabwe

Langham Preaching is partnering with Harare Theological College to provide an innovative solution to costly or non-existent internet connections in Zimbabwe. Even before the Covid pandemic struck, the Langham Preaching team were exploring ways to reach rural communities where electricity supply and connectivity is poor. John Bell, Zimbabwe’s movement coordinator, explained how the new technology…


Latin American commentary reaches indigenous Argentinians

Despite the devastation of Covid-19, the one-volume Bible commentary for Latin America has made it into the hands of Wichi indigenous people in Argentina. A courier service delivered two copies of the Latin American Bible Commentary (LABC) to David Stokes in north-western Argentina in July. He is responsible for formally training indigenous pastors. The LABCs…


Cambodia: Training held entirely in Khmer language for first time

Over 40 people escaped to the Cambodian countryside in February for a unique Langham Preaching training event. International trainers could not fly in due to the pandemic. So the Level 3 seminar was taught completely in the Khmer language. Normally simultaneous interpretation is used, which can be problematic. Sin Somnang, Cambodia’s Langham Preaching coordinator, and…