Taiwanese Langham Scholar ‘inspired’ by 6-months of UK study

Shirley Ho

This year, Langham enabled a Taiwanese Scholar to spend valuable months writing a contextual book on Proverbs. Langham Scholar Shirley Ho divided her six months between Tyndale House and Ridley Hall (Cambridge) and Wycliffe Hall (Oxford). Shirley reported that there were “excellent and complete resources and books” at these “inspiring” UK libraries. She completed a…

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Pursuing unity: Langham publishes important book for African context

Last month, Langham published the PhD thesis of a Malawian Langham Scholar on the topic of unity within his church denomination in Africa. God has led Rhodian Munyenyembe along a unique academic career path. He was offered a lecturing position before graduating from the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi. Later, while an elder of a church…

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Scholar brings biblical truth to Papua New Guinea

“Instead of allowing our beliefs to influence scripture, we need to allow scripture to influence our beliefs,” emphasises Langham Scholar George Mombi, from Papua New Guinea (PNG). George has been working on his PhD since 2015 at Otago University, New Zealand. He’s recently returned to PNG to continue teaching at the Christian Leaders’ Training College.…

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A passion for transformation across Africa

Langham Scholar Dr Sunday Agang has a passion to see Christians in his native Nigeria equipped to live with bold faith that brings the Gospel outside of the church and seminary walls and into society. Nigeria is ranked #12 on Open Doors’ list of the top 50 countries where persecution is very high. He says Christianity…

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From the margins, for the margins

Fifteen years ago, Langham Scholar Athena Gorospe gave a devotional in which she called her audience – wealthy American Christians – to be downwardly mobile. That morning in Pasadena, she argued that they should recover “Jesus’s concern for the marginalised, the invisible people.” Athena has dedicated herself to this plea – and to practicing what…

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Shaping future leaders… 7000 miles apart!

Despite living over 7,000 miles apart, Langham Scholars Oleksandr Geychenko and Yuzo Adhinarta have much in common. They are both now presidents of Bible colleges in their home countries.  Two Scottish churches ‘adopted’ Oleksandr while he studied at St Andrews as his wife and two daughters stayed in Ukraine. Oleksandr was installed as President of…

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Pray for Langham Scholar Sofanit Abebe

Langham Scholar Sofanit Abebe asked for prayer at Langham Partnership UKI’s Vision Day last month. Sofanit, who is from Ethiopia, is currently studying for a PhD in New Testament at Edinburgh University. She said: “I would appreciate your prayers in four areas. First, my studies, that I would be able to focus on writing with clarity…

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Scholar shapes future leaders in Ukraine

A Langham Scholar, who studied for a PhD at the University of St Andrews, was recently inducted as head of a Bible college in his home country Ukraine. This is an answer to many prayers. Oleksandr Geychenko now has the opportunity to shape future church leaders through his role at Odessa Theological Seminary. The inauguration service…

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Listening to God’s Word and the World

If you’re looking to find Langham Scholar Dr. Rolex Cailing, a biblical leader trained with support from Langham in the Philippines, you’re going to have to look in some unusual places. Many Filipinos would expect to find him tucked away in his office all day. But Rolex is more likely to be found engaged in…

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