Staff Profile: Peter Fleck

Peter Fleck has been with Langham Literature since 2005. This month we have a short interview with Peter to introduce another of our faithful staff to you.

Peter, those of us who know you will be aware that you used to live in Nigeria. Why did you live in Nigeria? What was it like living in west Africa?

My parents were missionaries in Nigeria with Qua Iboe Fellowship, now Mission Africa. I lived there from until I was 4 and a half years old. I have been back three times since then. I love the people, the culture and the openness to the gospel that many Nigerians have. The country will always be in my blood!

How did you hear about Langham Partnership? How did you come to work for Langham Literature and what roles have you had?

I was studying at Belfast Bible College and my wife was a student in Carlisle at the art college. She got to know Pieter and Elria Kwant and through Pieter, the Langham Literature International Director, I started working for Langham after I completed my studies. Initially I was in charge of the library grants and book orders and then moved into an IT role, developing the database, catalogue and maintaining the servers and computers. I have been involved with the Langham Monographs imprint since its inception and enjoy being part of a global theological conversation that we are contributing to through the publications.

What do you do now? How did God put that call on your life?

In 2012 we moved to Andalusia, southern Spain and have been involved in a number of ministries and partnerships with the local church. Between Mhairi and I, these have ranged from art projects, mums and toddlers groups, Sunday School teaching, English teaching, Bible distribution, discipleship, training, evangelism, etc.

You are involved with Langham Preaching and the national movement in Spain. How did you get involved and what does that involvement currently entail?

Before moving to Spain I was in contact with Andrés Reid who is the country coordinator. As a consequence I have been involved with the Taller de Predicación movement in Spain who partner with Langham Preaching from the beginning. This has been primarily helping with the IT, website, newsletter, writing articles etc. but also I am on the Andalusia regional committee. We have had 3 national retreats and now 2 regional retreats (Langham Preaching Level 1 and 2) with Level 3 retreat planned for 2019. Along with the regional work it has been a joy to be part of a local group of preachers in our town who meet 5-6 times a year. It has been encouraging to see many in this group growing in their ability and commitment to faithfully preaching the Word of God.

Peter Fleck with his wife Mhairi and their two daughters, Isla and Elizabeth

Peter Fleck with his wife Mhairi and their two daughters, Isla and Elizabeth