Langham trains, joueurs ivres devenus pasteurs dans les régions reculées de l'Est Malaisie

“He killed a man.” This was the first thing I was told about Pastor Michael who attended the initial Langham Preaching training held in Sarawak, East Malaysia earlier this year.

Langham Preaching training in East Malaysia, worship session.
Attendees of Langham Preaching training in East Malaysia during a time of worship.

The training was taught in the Malay language by a team from Indonesia and was focused on preachers working amongst the indigenous peoples in Sarawak. 35 people attended the training, including both indigenous and ‘Big Country’ pastors and leaders.

Michael is from the Murut people in the hills of north Sarawak. He completed primary school and then his life was characterised by drunkenness, gambling and violence. He had five children from three different wives.

Heart and life transformed

Village children in East Malaysia.
Children from Stalun, an Iban longhouse village on the coast.

The indigenous people in Sarawak were headhunters 100 years ago, but today many are Christians. In the same way Michael met Jesus five years ago and his heart and life were transformed.

He soon decided to go to a local Bible school for two years and started working as a pastor. Two years ago he was sent to work in Stalun, an Iban longhouse village on the coast near Sibu.

The “longhouses” are the traditional homes of many of the indigenous peoples in Borneo. There are long enclosed halls with doors opening off it into private areas for each family.

Stalun longhouse.
A ‘longhouse’ in Stalun.

There is also an outside verandah. I think traditionally they were built up on stilts and it was a way of providing protection and a communal space.

Accessible by small boat

Stalun is accessible only by small boat. So Michael had become a missionary; working in a different environment, a different culture and learning a new language.

Boats in Stalun.
Stalun is accessible only by small boat.

Within Stalun there are over 1000 people in ten longhouses. But only three longhouses have been reached with the gospel. And another religion has sent a teacher and built a place of worship to also try to convert the village.

Michael and the Christian longhouse leaders know they need to be able to strengthen the believers to stand firm and to be an effective witness.

So three of them joined the Langham training to learn how to preach in a way that is faithful to God’s word and relevant to the people they serve.

Group discussion.
A group discussion at Langham training.

Reaching out with love

The training was not easy for them because of their limited education.

But Michael carefully recorded every session, took lots of notes, and plans to use these to revise and practice what he learned.

The Borneo Evangelical Mission Immanuel church in Sibu also supports this small church with regular visits and help with preaching. Nanny, an elderly lady who speaks Iban and often visits was asked, how do you reach the Iban. Her answer was simply, “With love.”

Pastor Michael
Pastor Michael, who met Jesus five years ago after a life of drunkenness, violence and gambling.

Praise God for people like Michael and Nanny who are serving the gospel in their different ways, with limited resources and facing external pressures. And praise God that Langham Preaching is able to support this work by encouraging and equipping people like Michael.

Pray for those who have received training in Sarawak.

And pray that this small work will develop so that the churches amongst the indigenous peoples there will be able to stand firm and grow despite limited resources and increasing external pressures.

The training was difficult for Pastor Michael and other attendees because of their limited education.

By Phil Nicholson, East Asia Regional Coordinator, Langham Preaching.

East Malaysia Langham Preaching training.
Langham Preaching training in East Malaysia earlier this year was attended by 35 people, including indigenous church leaders and pastors from the ‘Big Country’.
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