Stephen Williams, Langham Preaching’s Regional Coordinator for the South Pacific.
“What took you so long?” It was my first trip to Fiji two years ago and the question came from a Christian student leader. ‘Forget that,’ I said, ‘I’m here now. Are you interested in Langham training?’ They were — and this January we ran the first seminar at the Coral Coast Christian Campsite outside Suva”, explained Stephen Williams, Langham Preaching’s Regional Coordinator for the South Pacific.
“One pastor, Tukana Nakesu, told me that when he became a Christian he had sought a church where the Bible was taught properly. He couldn’t find one. When he heard of Langham Preaching he realised it was exactly what he had been looking for.

Preaching training in Fiji, January this year.
Tukana is now the Country Coordinator for Fiji and chairs the local organising committee”, Stephen said.
Thirty people came for the training from a variety of churches and ethnic backgrounds. And as a result of the training, four preaching clubs have been formed. These preachers will meet together regularly throughout the year between the formal Langham Preaching training events.
Stephen said: “Thank you to those who pray and give for this vital work.” Find out what else has been happening in the South Pacific:

Training of trainers in Vanuatu last year.
Milestone reached
“In early July last year, the first training of local trainers took place in Vanuatu, which is a milestone for the work there. Langham training began in these islands nine years ago, and it appears that a preaching movement has begun, with congregations now demanding to be taught in an expository way. A big party is being planned for this year’s 10th anniversary.
“I am grateful for those who pray for the work, and I am conscious as I visit these islands (Papua New Guinea, Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga) of God’s hand opening doors and guiding His people in this work.”

Information from Lonely Planet.

Attendees of the first ever Langham Preaching training event in Fiji this year.