Legacy and Gift Planning
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my tree. -Martin Luther

The John Stott Legacy Fellowship is the community of Canadians who have committed to planting trees for future generations of Majority World Christians, by providing for Langham Partnership in their will.
A bequest could be the most important charitable gift you ever make – and one of the easiest.
Bequests are gifts you make in your will. They can be gifts of cash, stocks, real estate, insurance policies, or other assets. Bequests are easy to arrange; allow you to support Langham Partnership without affecting your current lifestyle; if things change, they can be changed or revoked during your lifetime.
You don’t have to be rich to make a meaningful charitable bequest.
US research shows that 70% of Americans contribute to charity, but only 6% give to charity in their will. One reason is that many people assume legacy giving is complicated, and only for the rich. But research also shows this isn’t true. In fact, most legacy givers are regular but modest givers during their lifetime. They see their legacy gifts as their final chance to impact the future, by making the largest gift they will ever make, to support a vision they have always believed in. They have asked themselves this critical question: how do I ensure that my legacy can have the eternal impact I long for?
Do you want to support a cause that is important to you? Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
So legacy giving is not about death, but about life – how can you ensure that what God has entrusted to you will continue to honour Him even after He has called you home?
Your legacy gift could help prepare the next Gift Mtukwa to bless the Majority World Church. Gift completed his PhD in 2020 and is back in Kenya serving his Lord. Even a modest legacy gift to Langham can continue to bless the Majority World Church long after you can no longer give directly.
If you would like to discuss this further, you can discuss this with your advisers or contact us at Langham Canada. I’d be delighted to walk through this issue with you, and share how God has blessed Langham Canada through bequests we have received.
All your adviser needs to know is our official name
“The Langham Partnership – Canada”,
and our CRA number 119241537.
Steven Van Dyck